We weighed anchor at 6:15 AM and continued north on the Virginia Cut. The weather was just perfect today but our friend, Gerry, was certainly correct about the bugs in this area. The boat was covered with them, so my first order of business this morning was cleaning and dispelling those little"buggers" -- no pun intended.
Striper, we are happy to say, is much improved today and she began eating more. She finished off last night's spaghetti and a little bit of tuna and around mid-morning I gave her a few treaties and two more cans of tuna. Then she settled down for a little nap. Her eyes were bright today and her ears were attentive so we canceled the vet appointment we had made for this afternoon. Thank you, Jeff, for making arrangements with the owner of Atlantic Yacht Basin to give us a ride to the vet's office. I'm glad we didn't have to go. We believe she is on the mend. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you all for your prayers for her.
We traveled 39 miles to Atlantic Yacht Basin in Chesapeake, VA, just south of the Great Bridge Lock. Ralph took Striper with him hob-nobbing around the marina and I got the laundry started and settled down to continue reading "Remains of the Day" - a movie I had seen years ago but didn't quite understand. I'm enjoying the book and it passes the time while you do the wash. Speaking of which, I'm beginning to think someone drops off their wash at night, we seem to be awfully clean or awfully dirty. Not sure which, but we sure do have a lot of laundry.
Ralph and I then walked about a quarter mile to the Farm Fresh Market in a little shopping center nearby and bought a few groceries -- milk, bread and produce AND the ingredients to make corned beef specials. I have been so hungry for them, so that's what we had for dinner. They were delicious, if I do say so myself.
It was a lovely evening so we took Striper with us for a walk on the dock and met some new friends -- one couple recently bought a 41 DeFever like Say Good-Bye and are docked just behind us here at the Yacht Basin -- their home port. They told us they have been following our blog. Small world. So Carl and Nancy -- we enjoyed meeting and chatting with you today. Perhaps one of these days our paths will cross again. Enjoy your travels on Adagio -- wishing you fair skies and following seas.
Here are a few of today's photos:
What should this caption be?? I think his expression is priceless!! |
The goose and gander are guarding their two little goslings |
Sunrise this morning |
Pulling up the anchor -- with a lotta mud and stuff |
Striper is starting to look perky |
The Virginia Cut |
Flying the MTOA burgee now that it's sunny |
Waiting in line for the Centerville Turnpike Bridge opening |
Atlantic Yacht Basin, Chesapeake, VA |
Two kayakers |
Out for a little walk |
Tonight's back yard with a view of Great Bridge Lock |
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